How long am I on medication during my surrogacy journey? Ask an expert!Guest UserMarch 16, 2023Surrogacy, tips, cost, fertility clinic, choose, choice, intended parents, surrogates, embryo transfer, success rates, success, stats, CDC, medications, shots, injections, progesterone, estrogen, patches, suppositories, med calendar, clinic
CNN’s 'The Baby Business' Scratches Surface, Pushes Fertility Regulation Above The LawGuest UserSeptember 7, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, baby business, surface, regulation, reproductive alliance, fertility, fertile, infertility, clinic, baby
The Top 5 Things I Looked for in a Fertility Clinic SurrogatesGuest UserAugust 23, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, IVF, clinic, fertility clinic, fertility, infertility, embryo, doctor, nurses, staff, case manager, cases, egg donation, sperm donation
Is growing your family through reproductive assistance worth the struggle and expense? Dear Supportive SurrogateGuest UserAugust 9, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, mindful, honest, sassy, scholastic, supportive, grow, family, pregnancy, pregnant, IVF, clinic, reproductive medicine
5 Reasons I Loved Being a Surrogate LGBTQGuest UserJune 28, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, covid, medicine, vaccines, coronavirus, doctor, shot, injection, clinic, staff, nurse, safety, health, care
Surrogacy and Selective Reduction: How Does This Process Work? Intended ParentsGuest UserJune 14, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, covid, medicine, vaccines, coronavirus, doctor, shot, injection, clinic, staff, nurse, safety, health, care
Four Reasons Why Surrogacy is Rewarding Dear Supportive SurrogateGuest UserJune 7, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, covid, medicine, vaccines, coronavirus, doctor, shot, injection, clinic, staff, nurse, safety, health, care
Why Clinics, Staff and Doctors Want Their Surrogacy Patients to Be Vaccinated SurrogatesGuest UserMay 31, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, covid, medicine, vaccines, coronavirus, doctor, shot, injection, clinic, staff, nurse, safety, health, care
How is the Pregnancy from a Surrogacy Different from the Pregnancy of Your Own Child? Dear Supportive SurrogateGuest UserApril 19, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, travel, fertility, clinic, fertility clinic, appointment, fly, drive, embryo, storage, intended parent, doctor, nurse, facilitate
How do I know my surrogate is going to be responsible during pregnancy? Ask an expert!Guest UserMarch 22, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, covid, medicine, vaccines, coronavirus, doctor, shot, injection, clinic, staff, nurse, safety, health, care
Do I have to travel to the intended parents fertility clinic for every appointment? Ask an expert!Guest UserFebruary 15, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, travel, fertility, clinic, fertility clinic, appointment, fly, drive, embryo, storage, intended parent, doctor, nurse, facilitate
What Does Egg Donation Do to My Body? Industry NewsGuest UserFebruary 8, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, intended parents, parent, baby, egg donation, egg, donate, donation, body, medications, hurt, pain, procedure, doctor, clinic, fertility, history, fertility clinic, health
Do I as the surrogate get to choose which fertility clinic I want to work with? Ask an expert!Guest UserFebruary 1, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, fertility, clinic, fertility clinic, choice, choose, intended parents, embryo, IVF, in vitro fertilization, agency, birth
Parents Prevail In ‘Savior Sibling’ IVF Mix-Up Lawsuit Above The LawJanelle DoddDecember 6, 2021embryo, reproductive, reproductive technology, reproductive rights, reproductive law, sibling, siblings, IVF, IVF mixup, in-vitro fertilization, beta thalassemia, fertility clinic, Fertility Clinics, clinic, clinics, lawsuit, litigation, embryo litigation, ethical, legal and ethical questions
DNA Test Reveals Unexplainable Fertility Clinic Mix-Up; Families Seek Damages Above The LawJanelle DoddSeptember 2, 2021DNA test, DNA, DNA Kit, DNA Tests, home DNA test, fertility, fertility clinic, Fertility Clinics, IVF, IVF mixup, clinic, clinics, genetics, IVF nightmare, sperm mixup
What are some of the risks for IVF/Surrogacy? Ask an expert!Guest UserAugust 10, 2021Surrogacy, surrogate, IVF, risks, medication, side effects, bleeding, implantation, embryo transfer, embryo, egg, sperm, clinic, doctor, reproductive endocrinologist
What if the Intended Parents die? Am I responsible for the baby? Ask an expert!Guest UserMarch 25, 2021Travels, travel, surrogacy, plan, fly, flights, air travel, country, states, surrogate, intended parent, embryo transfer, fertility, clinic
Why can't I be a Gestational Carrier if I've had the Adiana or Essure procedure? Ask an expert!Guest UserMarch 23, 2021Travels, travel, surrogacy, plan, fly, flights, air travel, country, states, surrogate, intended parent, embryo transfer, fertility, clinic
Do I have to travel a lot as a Gestational Carrier? Ask an expert!Guest UserMarch 16, 2021Travels, travel, surrogacy, plan, fly, flights, air travel, country, states, surrogate, intended parent, embryo transfer, fertility, clinic
What could slow down the clearing process from the Gestational Surrogate's side? Ask an expert!Guest UserMarch 11, 2021Travels, travel, surrogacy, plan, fly, flights, air travel, country, states, surrogate, intended parent, embryo transfer, fertility, clinic